Sunday, January 25, 2009


there are moments when i'm enthralled with this life.

last night in the middle of performing 'superior', one of erik's new songs, this feeling of lightness came over me, to the point that i thought i might actually float off the stage.

i had to reach over and physically touch him afterwards to make sure he understood this.  and his smile said that he did indeed.

i think that's all you're supposed to look for in this life; these moments where your consciousness is shifted without the use of drugs, or overt physical duress, and you transcend the finiteness of your existence by simply becoming one with the moment.  time ceases to exist.  the phrase 'be here now' actually makes sense.

and then you spill coffee all over your pants on the way to the bathroom later.

and it's back to square one.

but to just get a glimpse.  it's wonderful

Sunday, January 18, 2009

a piece of the puzzle

there are a few things that i find interesting.  but they may only be like that for me.

i had a dream that pot was legal.  it made sense.  the harm had been removed from the process and people shopped for it like liquor and the sin tax attached to the sales went towards education and infrastructure and welfare.

but it was only a dream.

for now, it's nice to believe that we have a modicum of privacy in our lives.

for now.

i'll try and write more about even more obtuse things soon.
