love 1
90% of the time most of us walk around being complete jackasses, which shouldn't be news to anyone alive. the fact that even 10% of the world is trying not to be is something of an achievement.
why do we act like this? treating each other with no grace or humility. was there less of this open hostility and self-righteousness when i was growing up? i doubt it.
but all of us know that 10%. these people seem to have set themselves apart, either through genetics or hard work and effort, or completely dumb luck, they live fully-realized lives, full of happiness and accomplishment.
and they look at us as if to say,"you can do it, too!"
maybe. it's a lot of work. mostly on the brain. it's taxing to concentrate even for short intervals. was everyone's mental capacity greater 50 years ago? again, probably not. but learning how to navigate this world without causing any undue harm is hard work.
but those 10 percenters seem happy and comfortable with themselves and the world they live in. i'm sure you know a few, they're usually relatives and they're sometimes quite older than you.
wayne coyne said "we make our own happiness.", and i believe that statement is true. but you have to be ready to give in order to receive, and in the giving is where most people find their true selves.
i truly believe everyone could experience true happiness for extended periods of time, if they did love more. i can't be 100% sure but i'm more than positive love is the answer.
"love what?" is usually the problem.
so love everything. all the time. and see what happens. start with yourself and go from there.